Sunday, December 6, 2009

Shelby's Spay - 5 months & 1 week

So our little baby got spayed this week. It was a traumatic experience for all of us. We dropped her off at Acute Vet care on Thursday to have her surgery that morning. She spent the night at the vet so they could watch her and limit her movement as much as possible. I wondered why they kept saying the sooner she gets spayed, the better... just take a peek at the pics below. I guess all of the pressure from her weight makes the recovery process a little more difficult the bigger that the animal is. She bruised pretty bad and her belly is nice and swollen, but she is acting completely fine like she feels nothing. She is five months and one week tomorrow. She is getting bigger by the day - literally, and weighed 54 lbs. at the vet on Thurs. 12/3.

Chewing on her crate b/c she is mad...
we have to quarantine her for 7-10 days!
Is that even possible? She's going crazy!
Mmmm.. tastes good :)

Shelby's belly on 12/04
Ewww... poor thing
Chan doing his cage duty...

Where's Lola?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving with family in Hattiesburg - 19 wks. and counting

Shelby had a great time at her grandpoppy and grandmammy's house for Thanksgiving. She got to play with many dogs - Daisy, Punky, Lola, Gabbie, and Tessie. We definitely had a house full! We got to run at the track, take lots of car rides, and she even got to sleep in the bed with momma and daddy. My mom thought she had a crate big enough for Shelby to sleep in, but she barely fit in there! It was funny! Shelby got a belly ache one night and had to go into seclusion and sleep by the washer and dryer. Please see the pics below taken over the past two weeks -
our beautiful baby...

ahhh.. nothin' like a good stretch...

daddy bein' sweet - as usual :)
my bf (i had just spray tanned! i look like one of those old ladies that lives in FL and lays in the sun all day... it washed off tho, don't worry)
my two bfs in the whole world!
shelb's cousin - Tessie
shelb loved my parent's chair
her other cousin - Gabriella
Henrietta - the most obnoxious squeaker toy
die Henrietta, die!!!
pretty girl :) - those ears are looking good!

Christmas decor

wow, look how big she is getting - *tear*
i have a feeling that we will not go the whole month without losing a few branches
she will be 5 months on Monday.. crazy!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Shelby - from the last post until 17 weeks!!

Okay, I am posting the longest blog in the history of blogs to catch everyone up on Shelby's growth! She is HUGE - around 45 lbs. She consistently gains 3 lbs. per week and gets her last round of puppy shots next week. I started the pictures from where I left off in the last blog, and as you scroll down you will see her grow! I will start posting every week as soon as I get my computer back - it's broken and has been for weeks.

Shelby is seriously the best dog ever - she is potty trained and only has accidents when her friends come over. Poor thing is going through her teething stage, so we have to make sure she has something to chew on at all times. She is obsessed with her bear (that you will see in several pics). She does what Chan and I call "the piano" on Mr. Bear where she paws it back and forth with her paws for hours. She doesn't tear it up nor is she rough with it. It's like she doesn't want to hurt it so she can keep it forever. Great danes are amazing with children, so we think that she is practicing for her future human brothers/sisters.

Shelby has been perfectly healthy and loves to sleep. We get up early in the mornings so she can eat and get the energy out of her before we go to work, but she just eats and passes out. Look at all the pics and let us know what you think!

Still training those ears!

Mom, give me the treat!
Trying to take some pics, but she is not havin' it...
I had to corner her in our room b/c she wouldn't let me take a pic of her! Terd :)
This is her training crate that she has almost outgrown...
But mom, I have to sleep on my ears so they will never stand right!
Punky, Lola, Shelby, and cousin Daisy (this pic was impossible to take)
Look how long.. and how cute that belly is!!

Sweet Daisy-bug.. Shelby has worn her out

and it's time to play again!!! aarrrrggghhhh
this pic cracks me up.. they play soo hard in case you can't tell
3 minutes later...
p-a-s-s-e-d OUT!
sweet daddy chan
3 month pics

October 9 - My bday with my babies!!
Shelby on the table checkin things out

Beauty Queen
gettin bigger...
her favorite... mr. bear
look how old her face looks already... Shelby's face, not mine
I can hardly pic her up anymore! *tear*
my babies - how can you resist those faces?!?!
Shelby insists on sleeping on Punky's bed!
what momma?!
hahahahaha.. hilarious!! The Punkmyster
Shelby's best friend - Izzy - they looooove each other!!!
Shelby fights from the ground. She automatically flops to the ground every single time!
Look at those sweet faces...
Punky and Lola's Halloween shirts.. Lola HATES when we dress her up!!
Punky LOVES it!
Shelby and Mr. Bear - passed out... again
our latest play date with Izzy... Shelby slept for 18 hours straight after this :)
having to hold her up...
THE END... look for more updates coming soon!!